Friday, April 12, 2013

Another few months has gone by, and life has brought many new changes.

So, we moved! Into the country, and I LOVE it here. Hubby stopped taking his meds recently, and he's actually been more of himself since he stopped! Things pretty much hit rock bottom, and I thought that was it. I thought it had reached that point where I had to say enough, and walk away. I gave it all over to god, again, and let him take control.

Since he stopped taking his medication, he's been talking to me more, being more affectionate, playing with the kids.. SMILING, joking, laughing. Sure, we still have our bad days, but it's nothing in comparison to what was going on.

I am at a loss for words, because I'm just.. Happy, and enjoying our life right now. I know there will be bad days, but with things as positive as they have been, I just don't have much to blog about right now, other than things are GOOD :)

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